Salary Converter

What can you get from this tool?

  • You can convert between a contract salary and permanent salary by using this tool.
    • By default, based on the data we collected, contract's average annual salary is ... higher than permanent
    • You can update the convertion rate by yourself.

How salary is calculated

  • The tax rate is based on the latest 2023 tax rate announced on ATO
  • The current super rate is 9.50% and the tax rate for super is 15.00%
  • Medical levy is 2.00% of taxable income when taxable income is over $30,345.00

Australian Tax Rate for 2023

$0 - $18,200
$18,201 - $45,000
19.0% for each $1 over $18,200
$45,001 - $120,000
$5,092 plus 32.5% of amounts over $45,000
$120,001 - $180,000
$29,467 plus 37.0% of amounts over $120,000
$180,001 and over
$51,667 plus 45.0% of amounts over $180,000

Which part of Australia are you in?

Salary Details

Your current Permanent salary

: 1

The equivalent Contractor salary

Salary Comparison Calculator could help you compare between a contract salary and a permanent salary in Australia.
It could help you calculate the total income, income tax, tax rate of your contract or permanent salaries in Australia
Total tax and tax rates calculation of Australia in 2023 based on your annual, daily or hourly salary.